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Top 5 Most Awe-Inspiring Batman Scenes of All Time

Writer: Ben KingBen King

article written by Ben King @crowscritics

With official Batman day only a few dark 'knights' ago it’s time for us to look back and reflect on some of the most iconic Batman scenes that still give us goosebumps till this day.

Although we could sit here and rate who we believe the best Batman is… or the best Bruce Wayne…. We all know we can never agree due to incredible performances that all the different actors have given us.

But one thing we can agree on is scenes that give us that little bit more to love about our beloved caped crusader.

What’s better to start it off than with than the top 5 countdown.

all images are owned by Warner Bros.

5. “I’m Batman” 

Back in 1989 what a lot of us were concerned by was an interesting casting for Bruce Wayne. Mr Michael Keaton.

But one thing he really did bring to the table was the aura that Batman holds. Every scene he stands in revolves around incredible cinematography with incredibly distinct dialogue.

Most memorably the rooftop interrogation scene with the infamous line. “ I’m Batman

4. The Broken Bat

Taking a new approach at the character; Tom Hardy gave a unrecognisable appearance as Bane.

Throughout The Dark Knight we are continuously given misleading stories of who the character is and where he originates. But with all of the mystery the one thing we all wanted to know is how does he hold up against what is at the time peak Batman

Christian Bale reminds up repeatedly of the strength and integrity of the Bat but we seriously see how this time it isn’t about breaking the mind but of the body.

3.  Penguin vs Batman Car Chase

In our newest addition to the Batman series we are given an entirely new take on every character. Yet although previously we have some truly awesome batmobiles the one thing we have lacked was an entire scene dedicated to its power.

Until ‘ The Batman ‘

This scene requires you to have the best audio available and the best visuals to catch the full epic scale of the car chase. Listening to the deep rumbling of the engine and the vibrant colours of the explosions. This scene deserves to be in the top 5.


2. The Jokers Interrogation

Do you want to see the epitome of 2 iconic characters facing it off in the best way. The Batman and the Joker know how. No not physically. But mental torture between them both.

The Dark Knight gives what a lot of us consider to be the best Batman.. no no… best superhero movie of all time.

This scene has the entire audience holding their breath. Whilst we sit there awaiting the truth from the Jokers mouth. We tremble alongside Jim Gordon as we both realise the strength and just how many steps ahead the unknown Joker holds.

1. Jokers Bank Heist

To finally end an extremely difficult list. Narrowing down so many truly awesome scenes across many different variations we reach our first place.

Although this list really should be finished with a scene of the Bat. The truth is it remains to be the iconic opening scene of ‘The Dark Knight.

Reappearing again as one of the most iconic films of any superhero. Christopher Nolan gives us a realistic take on how truly frightening the mystery of the clown can be.

With a truly incredible opening we see The Joker raising his own funds using the tricks of the clown trade to set up his insane character. 

Heath Ledger truly envisioned the role and depth to the character and for that we will always be truly grateful.

article by Ben King @crowscritics

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